Prolo@Linz 2020


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18. 04. 2020

Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen


Name: Dr. Michael Kellermayr
Tel: +43 732 7676 3500

The majority of chronic pain experienced by older adults is musculoskeletal in origin, yet it is just as old as humans themselves and often associated with reduced activity, sleep disturbance, fatigue and can result in severe disability.

Prolotherapy is a nonsurgical regenerative injection technique that stimulates the body´s natural healing process in joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and other joint stabilizing structures as labral tissue. There are a number of common pain disorders like nerve-entrapment-syndroms, that can be managed effectively by injections of peripheral nerves.

Office-based ultrasonography has become increasingly available in many settings, and its use to guide joint and soft tissue injections has increased and is excellent I guiding needles to the site of interest.

Join us to learn ultrasound guided procedures in pain management brought to you by our prominent faculty.

Dr. M. Kellermayr