AO Trauma Course — Principles of Surgical Approaches in Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery


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11. 09. 2023 - 13. 09. 2023

Medizinische Universiätt Graz, Institut für Makroskopische und Klinische Anatomie


Name: Sylvia Reischl

In this AO Trauma Course different surgical approaches to the upper and lower extremities will be covered. The surgical approaches will be introduced in short lectures and videos, followed by practical exercises on anatomical specimens. Focusing on the practical exercises in the wet lab, the participants will have the opportunity to train these approaches under the guidance of our experienced faculty. This will help to prepare them for their everyday clinical routine. Each workstation is limited to 2 participants.

After completion of the course participants will have:
• refreshened and enhanced their knowledge of the basic principles in surgical approaches in trauma and orthopedic surgery
• understood the complex of problems in choosing the best surgical approach
• internalized the concept of a soft tissue protective approach
• learned the relevant pathways for individual approaches
• practiced the essential surgical approaches in trauma and orthopaedic surgery and improved manual skills
• understood the AO principles and learned to apply them